What up America!! Well today started rather ABRUPTLY. We have to be in the lobby at 8:45 every morning- I stayed up til 3 writing to you last night about the 2 emotional days- and then went to sleep. My roomie usually sets her alarm clock for 745, but somehow this didnt happen today. I woke up BY THE GRACE OF GOD and that only at 740!! I sat up looked at my watch and yelled to Elizabeth to get up!! We got dressed, faces washed, teeth brushed and hair pulled up in a matter of 3 minutes. Insane. Nobody even noticed we were missing from the lobby! So- started the day on the hour long ride up the mountain. Today's trip was UTTERLY boring- Im dead serious. We stopped in a cute lil town and had some dessert- like whipped cheesecake- not so much a fan- then drove WAAAAAAAAY up the mountain. and I mean way. We had to listen to some translator- who we couldnt understand- and he took us serioously in the middle of a meadow 5 miles- that we had to walk- to see some "ancient tombs"- from the IRON AGE. Wow- I am pretty sure I have never been so bored in my life- ohhh and he took us to see a cow watering hole. My parents paid $3000 for me to walk to a watering hole?? Anyway- we had lunch down the mountain- got back on the bus and went UP UP UP the mountain- seriously at one time the bus was not driving on the road and we were pretty much dangling off the side! That is the pic to the side! and that is not the rd!! We had to pass 3 HUGE dump trucks- so scary!! We went to the REMOTE villages- and I can honestly say it was one of the most boring things I have ever done. but I did get some really pretty shots of the Creator's handiwork:

After touring lots of churches- we made our way to a vineyard- super pretty.
Out host family greeted with us with rakia- I dont know if that is how to spell it- but it tastes like jet fuel. It burned my nosehairs when I had just a sip- wow, It is made from fruit- fermented somehow. and it is awful- but dont worry- I will be bringing you all some back- and it is about a 12 oz btl- that is 45% alcohol- intense. We had amazing food: appetizers of hams, salami, cheeses- lots of homemade bread in 3 diff flavors- lettuce with vinegar- pork steaks off the grill- noodles and beef stew- and roasted veggies- and some amazing rice stuff- it was so amazing- I guess the boring part of the day was made up with the party in the vineyard- lets just say the students sure had an amazing time. Dont worry, I was 1 of the 5 sober ones- out of 20. The time there was just fun to finally relax with our professors and enjoy the amazing view. I have to go post up other stuff on the "health" blog- but I hope you find this video hilarious- this is on the way home from the vineyard. Please note- the back of the bus is not in tune with the front! HA! make sure your volume is up!
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