Thursday, June 28, 2012

Yes to Va va va Bbbe SSS!

This week has been a doosy in my personal life, BUT it's the best week of the summer at our church! It is Vacation Bible School!! This is one of the most stressful, crazy, busy, LOUD, frustrating, time taking up rewarding weeks of the year. Oh how my heart swells in me to see little kids loving learning about Jesus. The questions they ask are always bigger than you expect and their smiles are as bright as the moon. This year we did a Rock Star theme- and it has been really awesome. At first I was really hesitant, but thankfully God is bigger than my scoffs and questioning mind.

Here are a few of my personal highlights so far: (I hope you smile wide and laugh hard at these like I did)

     Getting to dress up every night with one of my best friends has been SO FUN! Granted, I could never be a rockstar because I would have some terrible breakage from the amount of teasing of hair that has taken place in my bathroom each night. We plan our rockstar outfits and try and wrangle these kiddies to do some service projects for other people. My teacher voice or (insert choice word) voice has come up a few times, but other than that, it has been AWESOME driving the Tour Bus with Andrea! She is a TRUE true friend, who I have been blessed to share life with.

    These sweet 5 and 6 year olds were the quietest class on Monday night. They truly loved making stained glass pieces for the Nursing Home guests. They made beautiful artwork, and learned that they are like this stained glass- when light shines in it, color radiates around, shining in at all angles. When we have Jesus in our hearts, he overflows into our lives and shines in at all angles to make life have color bounce around and over us. Melts my heart.

    Other highlights include:
  • Seeing these kids get EXCITED about coming to church- there was 105 KIDS at our church last night- don't tell me that doesn't give you chills, because I have them now just typing this. They were at a rock concert singing My Redeemer lives- on these sweet innocent lips- praising the same God I praise. My cup runeth over.
  • Getting the kids to have a theme night- and not having to send home papers with them. I said wear crazy hair tomorrow and THEY DID! It was awesome. Last night was star night- and EVERY single kid came in with a star. Even the ones who hadn't been the night before- because their friends told them about it. They had so much excitement to show off their stars. I hope they know they have lit up my life this week.
  • In class talking about "Leaning on God" when things don't go our way or we are hurting, I asked the older class if they knew what it was like to get picked on and some raised their hands and without missing a beat- a kid that could pass as Snoop Dogg's son said "somebody pick on me- they gon get tha taste slapped out they mouth", BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Did that really just happen?!? Every adult in the room was dying- and I had to keep a straight face and say- yes that is a great example of that sin word I was just talking about. Oh man, I couldnt help but laugh my head off after he left.
  • Same kid, same night: We made salvation bracelets for them to have an easy way to share Jesus with their friends and strangers. Im going through all the colors and their answers for the colors are hiliarious. They have black red and white down pat. But blue, green and yellow, oh we gotta do some work on that part! As I am explaining yellow represents heaven, where we will get to go when we die if we have Jesus in our hearts, kid raises his hand and asks a beautiful question. "Someone told me the skreets is gold in heaven, dat true?" Be still my heart. Oh someone has been trying to teach this cute hoodrat :) about Jesus and he listened. I said "yes, and they told you right. the STREETS are gold in heaven. God made it very beautiful up there for us" Kid's reply "I can have the gold- like I can take it?" BAHAHAH. Well, the seed might have just not been planted all the way in the soil ;) I said "no baby, you cant take the gold. When we get to heaven all we are going to be worried about it worshipping God and singing to him"..quietly I hear him say to his buddy- "Imma still try and get dat gold."
  • Talking to another class about the color beads- white wasnt clicking for this sweet loud bushy haired girl. I tried to teach them that Jesus makes our hearts pure again- and that is called purity. But in her ears, she heard puuuurty. Yes baby girl, Jesus makes us purty too.
  • Same kid- next night: Recapping on the color beads, we get to blue (baptism, publicly proclaiming Jesus) and she raised her ever cautious hand and said "Miss Rachel, can you- can you tell me what happens when you get baptised...?" Did you hear that?!? I know there has to be a big ol bell in heaven- because when this happens, some angel has to go ring that thing and rejoice! How sweet to talk to these kids about baptism. And the cool part: they all said but baptising doesnt save you, having Jesus in your heart does. Again, remind me why I get to share this joy God?
  • Having kids jump up and down to tell you the day after making salvation bracelets what the colors mean, and helping their friends when they lost the words, blessed. my. soul. God is at work. Even at a poorly decorated craft station table with a teacher who has to yell "Keep your hands to yourself in my class". 
  • Seeing 20 OR MORE adults who don't go to our church- stick around and go to the adult class. Oh chills again. And the really cool part? The same Jesus who died for my white church- died for these precious African Americans from a neighborhood down the road that our youth invited to church. If that doesnt let you know God is real, I am so sorry friend, but you are missing out.
  • Seeing kids ROCK out. With their songs, their hands, and I pray their hearts. It is truly special to watch music time- even the fast fun parts- these kids are dancing before the Lord, and I know he is well pleased.
  • Finally, having a sweet kid in my class give me the biggest kid sized hug imaginable. Just because I loved on him and told him he was doing a great job. That. That is what it is about. Sharing Jesus with these sweet cheekies.
God had to really remind me of something as I was RUSHING around yesterday, trying to get ready in 5 minutes with the coolest hair and star painted on. It takes a lot of time to get into skinny jeans, but I am pretty sure I set the world record yesterday. I was so consumed with what I was going to wear- that I had forgotten to pray for these babies hearts- that God would send a flood over this VBS- and kids would hear the Word of God and want that inside of them. How selfish Rachel. It is not about you. Or the clothes I wear. Or the amount of hairspray I think I can use. Or the coolest rocker jewelry. Hold on, it isn't even about making sure they use up all their craft time to make these things for other people. It is COMPLETELY about giving these kids more than a week of fun, but the words to have an ETERNITY with Christ. Lord, forgive my ungrateful heart. Put in me the words to say that these kids need to hear to know you love them. 2 more nights of VBS- and I know God truly has rocked our world this week. I pray these kids do the same for God.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Not getting what you want can make you feel sick, but a wish that comes true is a life-giving tree. (CEV)

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life. (AMP)

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. (NIV)

Proverbs 13:12

How very true are these words? The thing you want most out of life and not getting it makes your heart sick. Literally hurting and you find yourself catching your breath because the pain is almost unbearable.
Heartsick. That is the word I am sure a few of you can certainly relate to. Being so wounded and crippled by fear, uncertainty, endings and beginnings, changes and words said in a moment of emotions running away. It can break you down and hurt to the point where you cry yourself to sleep at night- hoping- praying- wishing- just knowing this can't be the end of the story. Hurt to the point that you bring on more stress to your already tired and worn heart and break it down some more.

Thankfully, there is that small 3 letter word that CHANGES everything. It is almost read over and skipped sometimes, yet it is SO important to how the game plays out. But. b-u-t. There it is. This small word changes so much.

Having heartsickness is overwhelming, BUT, thankfully, this verse does not stop there. It says when your desires, wishes, and longings are fulfilled, come true, and made real- it is a life giving tree. Your soul is restored. The depths of your unreasoning has had a revolutionary breakthrough in the hardened soil. Roots stretch far and wide, bringing you the things you need to get over this heartsickness. The parts above the surface shine bright and are made new and beautiful. Crunchy faded leaves have a resurection and color flows through their cells again. There is something different about you in that instant that your deepest desires and the things you find yourself pinning relentlessly over come to the point where they aren't dreams anymore. They are real. You just witnessed a modern day miracle.

Psalm 37:4 says  Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart (NIV). Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart (AMP). Do what the Lord wants,

and he will give you your heart’s desire (CEV).

I know these verses go hand in hand. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. When those desires aren't fulfilled it makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, life is given back to you.

Sometimes, God sees fit to not reveal the fulfillment of the God-given desires he has placed in us because he needs us to either find that contentment in him, be refined and made more to look like Christ instead of ourselves, or because we let our earthly fleshly desires take over like a diva in a play and God is kicked off stage so our egos can have the full attention.

The desires that you have in you were put there by the Creator of feelings- the Sustainer of longings, and the Prince of Peace who calms the seas that rage within us. If he put it there, and you fully completely wholeheartedly believe that his word is true, he will make it happen at the appointed time. Not your time. Because your time is set by an imaginary calendar with fixed deadlines and appointments that can not be missed. BUT when God gives you the desires of your heart, it restores your life.

God is big. He is amazing. I still find myself at a loss for words (hard to believe, I know you just said) for what is happening around me. Good things. Great things. Absolutley God things. Desires that I had supressed and even thought I had cremated suddenly have been brought back to life like a patient who had the boards used on them. The heartbeat has been found again.

I know God is at work in me and around me. Sometimes, more often than you think, God is going to blow you away with the way he changes things up on you. It is going to hurt a little while if we don't get/have/see the things/people/blessings, but he gives us God-sized desires that only HE can make a reality. My tree was pretty much dead and chared- left with a worm eaten heart and only remnants of wilted leaf memories.
But I say unto you today, life has been restored to these dry bones. There is a smile as wide as the Milky Way on my face, and my heart is filled to the brim. Color now bursts on the screen and black and white fade into the background. The desires of my heart are starting to be fulfilled- and I am so excited. God is always at work, even when we give up on him. He put those desires in you- and He will make them real.

Hold fast to the promises of His word, and you too will find that God is the best gift giver ever.  This Bound 4 More journey is truly looking up. 625, oh happy day, this is just the beginning.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Sometimes I have a lot of questions in my head and they scream and try and take over my brain. If you could somehow tap into my thoughts and actually see and hear what is going on in there, I think it would not only scare the bageezies out of you, but you would probably think I was stupid. I have a lot of questions that this world can't answer and I am having to search them out myself and figure them out. Questions that overwelm me. Sometimes I take them to God, sometimes I don't. Here are a few thoughts that I just can't get a grip on:

Why is it that every one of my friends from college is happy, married, pregnant, or living the dream- and I feel like I am barely getting by?

What needs to change in me so I can live my dreams? How do I get there? What do I need to let go of in order to see who I really am? What do I even want out of life? What are my dreams?, because I don't know at this point.

What does it feel like to wake up next to the same person every day? What does it feel like to know that someone loves you so much they want to spend the rest of their life with you- no one else but you?

Why is it that some people can eat whatever they want and never sweat a drop and can have a much smaller body- and I literally look at food and gain weight?

What is it like to know that you make someone happy? What does it feel like to know that someone wants to make you the happiest person in the world and they do simple random sweet nice things to make this happen? Or yet- what is it like to know that someone WANTS you in their life as well as NEEDS you?

What is it like to sit back in your house and know that you are paying for this house- you own it?

How does it feel to know you have a talent that people request your services for? Do people ever get sick of their talents and wish for something else? Do they get tired of using their talents and ever compare themselves to others who are different from them?

How does it really feel to have money? Seriously, the ability to do whatever, whenever without money being an option?

Do the people that I esteem the highest have secret sins like I do that they find themselves running to when they are alone- or do they truly have their lives together and I am just an idiot?

How does it feel to know someone is really in love with you, and that they don't just love you as a person, they are in love with you?

Have people who just up and moved ever regretted it- or was it the best decision they ever made?

How do you truly become a better person- one where people don't gossip about you because there is nothing bad to say?

How do you really get content with what you have and not envy other's for the things they have?

When it is all said and done, are people going to celebrate your life- or just be glad it is over?

Why is it easy to fix other people and their problems, but I can't even admit my own or work on myself first?

Why do we have to be alone, when we don't want to be alone- no friends, no common comforts, nothing- and why does it hurt so bad?

What made me not good enough? Can that be changed- or is it a part of me?

How does it feel to truly make a difference in someone's life and know that you helped change them for good?

Do people look up to me- or are they looking down on me because of how I present myself in certain situations?

That is enough for now. It is just as overwhelming to see all of this in print than ringing in my ears.

Circle Hike

Welcome back. I have had a few blog posts on my mind since Saturday, but you can clearly see that I am a procrastinator and am just now posting them. Read on into the reality of Rachel.

Saturday was a different day. I had determined earlier in the week I was going hiking. Not to a state park but to some local attractions. Rock Hawk in Putnam county was the chosen site. I had invited someone to go with me, but they bailed on me and decided they would rather sit around than go hiking. Lame. So off Mowgli and I went. Alone.

We climbed up the tower to see this:

Might not look like a hawk to you, but I could see it. It is an unexplained Indian effigy mound

This was my first hike alone. It was a pretty good hike, except for the signs of poisonous snakes every 25 yards. I was a little freaked out, not going to lie. Mowgli panted the whole time. The hike was up hill mostly, but not too bad.

I was following the orange course. I had been doing great (minus having to look over the entire path many many times for snakes) and then came to this weird fork in the path. The orange sign pointed to the right, but clearly the left was the clearer of the paths. The one on the right had a lot of tall grass. AKA perfect snake hanging out place. So, Mowgli and I started to the right and about one minute in I decided I wasnt going to take my chances of getting bitten. I trecked back to the fork. Or what I thought was the fork. I never got back to the fork really. Somehow I made a WRONG step and I was just going no where but in circles. I ventured one way and said, this isnt right, and then went back to the starting place, keep in mind I NEVER made it back to the fork- or the original one I guess. I just kept going in circles. I walked over this path where someone had dropped a bottle of water and I said to myself, crap I have already been this way. Walked back up to some intersection and decided that I was tired of being in snake country and the water bottle path was my only option. So, we walked back the way we came in. Stupid I know, but I was alone, hot and my poor dog was super tired. We had been hiking over an hour at this point.

In my wanderings, I thought of what it was like for the Israelites to wander around in the desert. For 40 years. In circles. I am sure they passed a "water bottle path" many times. I know the feelings of desperation and hopelessness I was feeling, so I can't imagine what life was like for them. The desert- eek had to be so hot and sweaty and dirty. At least I had shade. I was reminded that even in my wanderings, God is still with me. We can go in circles upon circles and yet, he still is there. He never leaves. How crazy to think that God never leaves, it is only us who choose to leave Him.

I finally made it out of that trail, and was so glad I did. I had seen enough snake signs to last me a while. I didn't see a snake, HALLELUJAH, but was creeped out none the less. When we made it out, we were the only people ones  in the entire park. Not a comforting feeling when you are a girl alone with her dog who isnt very intimidating.

I think I will make sure I hike with either one of two things next time: a gun or another person.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Friday Gotta get down on Friday

So here I sit. Waiting at my desk to go out and shake hands with eager freshman and parents who are sending their babies away in the fall. Orientation is probably one of my favorite and least favorite days. I LOVE meeting all the new students and telling parents how we take care of their kids, but I absolutly dread setting up for it. Student Health has a LOT of stuff to give away!

I have my big license plate nametag on- that clearly says my title on it, Health Educator (which is technically wrong, it's University H E) but I will get asked at least 5 times today if I am a student- or if I am a nurse. It reads in white writing on a green background: MED, which is suppose to read M.Ed., but whatever, so much for higher education and then CHES. No where does it say RN, PhD or anything else. But I guarantee I will get asked if I am a nurse. Nope, I am not that smart and I am the prevention side of health.

Orientation is always a tease. The food is ALWAYS the best it will ever be at any given time during the year on this day. We have to show off for the parents so they feel good about the meal plan they are having to pay $10k for. I have no idea if it costs that much, but I do know it costs a lot!

But some part of my loves seeing the students excitement. I remember that excitment and nervousness as well. It was hot as balls hell  it was hot when I came to Orientation in July of 2002, hoping today won't be like that. I do have my swollen eye to contend with though, from the biggest hornet ever stinging me last night. I am not as Sloth-looking as I thought I would be, but I can see the swelling out of the bottom part of my eye. I looked in the mirror this morning and my right eye was more swollen than the stung eye, I guess from being tired. Either way- my face hurts!

There are a lot crapton of things on my mind right now and I would ask for prayers for all of them, the major ones are:

- My cousins on my dad's side lost their brother unexpectantly last night from some heart and breathing complications. They had to burry their sister less than eight months ago from an unexpected death as well. Both of these people leave behind a family and kids. I can't imagine the pain they are going through right now, and know that they must feel that God has it out for them and feel completely lost and abandoned. Please pray for the families and that God will provide deliverance, strength, and peace.

- I have 15 days until I have to move out. Fifeteen. Days. What? I havent even started packing yet. Still pretty unsure where I am going, have a few options out of town, but I am not sure how I really feel about them. I would be living rent free at home or at this other place, but both are pretty far out. So- pray for a house or an apartment to come up.

- That I get things in order for my daily schedule. I need to be more diligent in working out, eating clean, praying and spending my time wisely.

- That God will reveal his plans for me about direction and placement for my life. Right now, I feel like I am shooting in the dark. I need some kind of direction and some kind of understanding.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Triscuits & chips

If you read the previous post, you know I was very blessed to be able to travel to 2 states, hit up the beach, look over a campus, see some amazing animals, and breathe the same air as greatness, all in the same week. As I sat riding to all of these places, I realized how blessed I was at the moment. Blessed to have a car to get me from point A-B- Z wherever. Blessed to have money to get a new suit to interview. Blessed to have so much "stuff" that I sold it and made $110 for my trips. Blessed to be able to have a job that allows for me to get off early in the summer- and take a short vacay at the beginning of the week. Blessed to be able to have friends who let you come stay with them in order for you to save money. Blessed to be able to buy foods to take into the games to not have to spend so much. Blessed that when things go wrong, you don't over react, you just deal with it and not let it ruin the fun of your day. Blessed to be able to know that I have a job when I get back from these trips. Blessed to know that I am able to do all of the things that I did that didn't get mentioned- all the shopping and dining and plain spending time with people I care about.

At the end of the week, I would be foolish not to thank God for providing me with all of these blessings this week. From protecting me on the drive to Tuscaloosa, and being missed by a car barrel rolling at me on the interstate from a wreck, to giving me peace about going on my HHI trip instead of looking at houses (when I still dont know where I am living), to allowing me to have some precious time with friends that I dont get to see often, to showing me to not get mad when turns were missed or something cost a lot to park, and giving me the opportunity to do so much in one week, that a lot won't ever do in their lifetime. I realize that God was blessing me, I am so grateful that he makes us new and gives us joy, even in the times when we feel like he won't or that everyone else is enjoying life and I am not.

Monday- A wrong turn was made on the interstate and it left me in an unfamiliar area with a person at the window asking for stuff. She showed her recent stay in Dekalb county jail arm band and said she had no ill intentions- and was just looking for some food or clothes for her and her kids because she was homeless. As I sat with my head thinking the worst of this person, and then my heart brought me back to reality. She said she was hungry- so since I pack everything for trips- I reached in the back and passed an unopened box of triscuits and bag of chips through to the window. (the chips were a free blessing from panera a few days before, it pays to pay it forward). She was truly grateful for someone just acknowledging her. As I sit here and recap all the 1000+ miles I ventured out on this week, I am reminded to be Christ to the least of these. God gave me a lot of blessings this week, and I need to share that with others. I hope you will choose to give up your Triscuits and chips just to see a smile on someone, even if they are missing some teeth. They are precious in His sight. Pay it forward, because blessings, unlike karma, have good intentions. Karma: what goes around comes around; blessings- what you do for others will come back to you in ways you can't imagine, and only for good.

The Road.. Travelled

Wow. I can finally take a break. The past week has been one of lots of mini trips. I haven't blogged since my class reunion- so I apologize for that. I have recently caught a lazy bug and don't know how to get rid of it. This bug has affected my workouts (don't get me started at how bad it is now), my diet (lack there of) and my motivation for anything in life (it is nonexistent!). So, here is a small (well, I am sure it will be long after I finish) recap of the past week's events in my life. Sorry, I can't get the pics to line up.

I had the awesome privilege of interviewing at the University of Alabama last Wednesday. I was in Tuscaloosa from Tuesday night until Wednesday afternoon. It is for a Health Educator Assistant Director position dealing specifically with mental health and financial health. The food, people, and the campus were awesome. I had a great trip and thank them a whole lot for their hospitality. As far as the job goes- I am still unsure. Change would be good, but change would be hard. If you want to pray about direction for me, that would be great. Here are a few pictures from around campus. They are as follows: Hotel Capstone, Denny Chimes, restaurant they took me to on the river, campus buildings, awkward sculpture, the Quad, and the National Championship trophy.


Thursday was our last softball game. We lost, and it sucked. I am mixed about how I feel about the season being over. I love softball and have a lot of fun, when I play good, but it will be nice and weird to have my Tuesdays and Thursdays back. Not sure what I will do with my time, but losing this lovely amount of fat I have aquired is one of the things.

Friday, I headed up to Hilton Head Island (if you are reading this Josh, sorry I didn't visit, pressed for time and rushed) to visit my girl Alicea. She was one of my roommates from studying abroad and she is an amazing friend to me. We hung out Friday & Saturday and it was fun. Trip advice: Roundabouts in HHI SUCK. Do Eat at Roastfish and Cornbread. Don't waste your $ @ Hudson's. Do take a crab killer- shoes whatever. These little black crabs were all over the beach. And like bright colored towels!

1st view of Jeter, 27 is who I got the ball from
This close. WHAT!?
Monday and Tuesday I took a few days vacation to head up to the ATL to see the yankees play. Do you know how big of a deal this is? The Yankees. In Atlanta. It was awesome seeing players I have followed for a longtime WITHIN 10 FEET of me. Highlights of the 2 days of games: Caught a free shirt, Jeter was literally right in front of me, CAUGHT 2 balls thrown intentionally to me, one from David Ross (catcher, Braves) who told me thanks for sitting on the front row :), and one from Rual Ibanez, Yankees Outfielder who had hit a home run Monday night :), having Coach Eddie Perez speak to me and ask me how my day was, being on tv for a serious foul ball, and watching A-rod hit a GRAND SLAM Tuesday night. I had just said- it is either going to be a double play or a grand slam- and it was an awesome slam!! Really cool to witness that. I also went to the Aquarium and the Titanic exhibit- which you should really do if you like history at all. It was really neat/interesting/sad all at the same time to see personal belongings of people and hear the stories of what happened that night.
Andruw Jones back on his stomping grounds

Friday, June 1, 2012

The time has finally come

Sr Prom 2002, Im in the red on the right
Sr year Softball
 Today marks a special bittersweet time in my life. Tonight, I celebrate my TEN year high school class reunion with my class of 2002, as well as the class of 2001, and 2000. As I sit here with anticipation to see people I haven't seen since they graduated, I want to reflect on what all has happened in the past 10 years of my life. My gosh that is a TERRIBLY long time. It is hard to believe May 21, 2002 I was wearing a white gown and turning my red and gray tassel with my classmates. So, sit back and read where my life has taken me since graduation from John Hancock Academy.

March 2003, Texas

1. I started college at GCSU in August 2002. A day after I had turned 18. All of my friends went every where but here. It was ok though, I made tons of new friends through BSU. I had a lot of ups and downs with academics, but finally found my calling my Jr year in Health Education. I was blessed to be able to travel to Alabama, Texas, Washington D.C., Grand Cayman, Montego Bay Jamaica, Cozumel, St. John, St. Marteen, St. Thomas,  Hilton Head, Jekyll Island, Marietta, Chattanooga, Asheville, Virginia, Connecticut, and Boston.

2. I graduated in Spring of 2006, on time, in four years. I was the first to graduate out of my class of 10. I graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Health Education: Community Health and Human Services.

1st Time to NY, BFF Rachel, host pastor

July 4th 2002, CT
3. I spent an entire summer as a summer missionary in Wallingford CT. This is probably one of the best summers of my life to this date. I met my best friend/twin Rachel there and we have been inseparable since. I worked at a sweet little church, White Oak Baptist, and had the best 10 weeks I could ever ask for. I visited New York for the first time and loved it.

4. I came home from CT and got my first BIG girl job in September of 2006 at GCSU, my old stomping grounds. I have been in the same position for 5.5 years now. I feel like I have improved, but have so so much more to learn.

 5. Back up just a bit- to college- Senior year- October 26th 2005. I tore my ACL, lateral meniscus and MCL in a class for school by being tripped playing basketball. I had surgery in December 2005, May 2006, and December 2010. My knee will never be the same. I can honestly say this is one thing I wish would have never happened in my life.

Catching a HUGE glob of confetti

6. I went back to CT for Christmas/New Year's and had one of the best life experiences ever: I was in TIMES SQUARE FOR NEW YEAR'S! So close to the stage I could see Ryan Seacrest's teleprompter.

 7.  I started Graduate school in 2007. It was challenging and overwhelming at times, but it was worth it.

8. I got a dog in 2007 as well. Mowgli Diana to be exact. From the moment I saw her big ol head and tiny little body come out of the towel she was in, I was in love. This dog has been my heart. I love her more and more each day.

9. I have moved every year or year and a half for the last 5 years. Wait- more than that. I moved out from home my Winter Jr year and lived in a BIG house (Party Palace) and got paid to live there til August of my Sr year. Then I had to move to (cynder block castle) downtown. I graduated and moved home for 2 weeks, left for CT, moved home for 2 months. Then Julie and I shared a brand new townhouse downtown, (The Ritz). She left me to finish clinicals, so I moved to a 1 bedroom on Tatnall near the bridge, (The Love Shack). Then, I moved to a brick house on Harrington (um, I guess I didnt have a name for this one). Then, lastly I have moved to the towns again, but a nicer updated one. And now, I am faced with moving again- but have no idea where to. It is kinda scary.

10. My dad got cancer in 2008. It was one of the hardest times in my life, but God provided and brought him through all the mess and he is cancer free today. Praise the Lord!

11. I graduated with my Master's of Education in 2009. I am the 1st again of my class to graduate with one of these. Only 1 other person in my class has one. I guess it is a big deal. GCSU also paid for this, huge blessing.

Croatia, Plitvice Lakes

12. I spent 3 week studying abroad in Croatia in 2009 and had THE TIME OF MY LIFE. It was the most beautiful place ever. I made some really good friends because of this trip and want to fill my passport up.

Vegas, My 25th

13. Because of my job, I have traveled to Savannah twice, Vanderbilt, Clemson and USC, Atlanta, New Jersey, New York, and Orlando. All for free, except my outside fun.

14. I have also traveled to High Point and Charlotte NC, Charleston  & Hilton Head SC, Tybee, Savannah and Atlanta GA, Panama City, Port St. Joe, Mexico Beach, Tampa, Fort Walton Beach and somewhere else in the Gulf in Florida, Vegas, Nassau and Freeport Bahamas.

15. I got another dog in Fall of 2010. My sweet spotted ball of energy never stopping chew up everything Winnie Vera. This dog was special. Mowgli and her were quickly best friends and loved like sisters. She was taken too soon in January of 2012 and my heart winces every time I think about her. My eyes fill with tears even now as I type. I miss her a whole whole lot.

16. A list of all my jobs during college: 1st job: Animal Rescue Foundation, ew. Scooping poop is not for me. 2nd Job: Kid's Exchange: neighbor's owned a shop downtown to resell children's clothes, so I worked there a while. 3rd job, that took me right up from Freshman year to Junior year: Babysitting a Professor's kids. Started out with a 3 month old baby boy and then gained his sister when they started homeschooling her. It was an easy job, miss that money. 4th job: Youth Minister at Darien Baptist Church. 5th job: Protective Financial Services: gopher and mail person. 6th internship at Heartworks in Macon, so couldnt work. 7th job: Belk- started out in accesories and wound up at Estee Lauder. LOVED this job, considering going back. 7th job: GCSU. Wow that is a lot for 4 years.

As I sit here and try to think more about the last 10 years, I can't really come up with anything else. Here are the stats for my class of 10 right now:
All are still alive, so that is a blessing.5 are married. 5 have kids, just one has a kid not married. 1 has been through a divorce, but remarried. 6 went to college, 2 went to technical school, 2 have Master's degrees. 1 lives out of state, the rest are all in central and east GA. Everyone has jobs: 1 is construction, 1 is something big time at a bank, 1 is in fashion marketing/sales, 2 are teachers, 1 is an ultra-sound tech, 1 works in the gas industry, 1 works at a local store, 1 I honestly dont know, but know they work, and then me.

High school wasn't all that pretty for me. I didn't fit in- and it wasn't my choice school. But, tonight I will sit back and be reminded that was 10 years ago. I will hang out with people that I haven't seen in years. I will hear old stories and laugh at the times we were young and dumb. I will cherish the 10 years I have been given since my days at JHA. So here's to the class of 2002, I hope we can all have another 10 years (and more) and that we use our time in high school as a stepping stone to achieve only the best dreams in life.


June 1, 2012