All is well in makarska. I am getting about ready to come home. Last nite me and Eliz had an amazing shrimp dinner. So good. I stepped on something the other day at the beach- whatever it was made me bleed a lil and my foot is still sore! We visited a school health place today and spoke with a local dr there. We have to get up super early in the am- like 6am early. I am mising Mowgli A LOT. Working on my tan. trying not to lose my religion on some of these girls- I think we are all just getting burnt out from so much time together. I made it up the mountain and it was hot. amazingly hot!!! we had Croatian funnel cakes and figs- super good. We have dinner with the grp in a lil while, but I just wanted to do an update! Here are just a few random pics- ampitheater- me in the bay last nite-

and our view from where we are.

Learning a lot- its ab to rain. Give my momma a hug if u go to walmart- Sending my love to you momma and deddy!
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