Friday, April 20, 2012

When You Don't Know

If you read my post from last night, you should know what kind of mindset I have today. But- I say unto you, God is bigger than I understand, and infiltrates our lives when we least expect it- or want it.

I get up. I come to work. I just know I have a lot going on right now- that my brain is working overtime on things that I would really care not to think about. Through the encouragement of some friends, I have found that God still is at work, even when I think he is taking a day off. God isn't lazy like me, he never quits and never fails. The verses from yesterday, his compassions are new every morning was made true today.

I woke up to my daily verse from a coworker: Matthew 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you. 
God hit me with his best shot to remind me that I am not seeking out his counsel for the things that are going on in my life. Seek God first- and everything else will fall into place. It will be given to you if it is in God's plans. Seek, Ask, Knock, dont just complain about it.

Another dear "friend"/family member/wonderful person in my life shared 2 Chronicles 20:12 with me. Funny, now that I write it out, this needs to be my verse for 2012, since everything that could go wrong has don' up and went wrong. The verse says "For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you." NIV) I read a couple of other translations and I think I like the Contemporary English Version: We won't stand a chance when this army attacks. We don't know what to do- we are begging for your help."

Think about that imagery. All the translations (NIV, NKJV, HCSB, Message, and CEV) say this in their respected orders: we have no power, no power, powerless, helpless, won't stand a chance

-against the-vast army, great multitude, vast number, vandal horde, army

- and all agree on this: we don't know what to do

BUT. And Praise God it is a BIG BUT! - our eyes are on you, our eyes are upon you, we look to you, we're looking to you, we are begging for your help.

In all of this stuff called life that is going on around me God, I am clueless- and I really don't stand a chance to make it on my own against the things that are attacking me (Financial, Emotional, Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Relational) BUT I am looking to you for answers. My eyes are on you, direct my path the way you would want me to go. I am looking to you for your provision.

Pair Zephaniah 3:17 again with this, and be reminded God is a Mighty Warrior. He can handle the heat when we can't. It is when we realize we really don't have all the answers that God says ok, finally- now let me get to work, because I made everything and I dang sure can fix it. Have a little faith.

It is ok to not know what to do. It is more important to keep your eyes fixed on God.

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