Friday, March 23, 2012

The Hunger Games

I have been playing my own hunger games for the past 2.5 months. Eat. Don't Eat. Eat. Hate eating- the list goes on. Recently, by encouragement from all of my friends, I read The Hunger Games. I read it in roughly 2 days. Nights. Late nights. And the story is a captivating get-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat kind of book. I am not a reader, but I really enjoyed this. I hope to start the second book soon- and finish the 3rd on the cruise! Well start and finish both of them on the cruise.

Anyway- last night was the midnight premiere! Let me set the stage:
I went for a run with Mowgli after work, then came home to a phone call from a friend about a flyer she wanted to have to show at her Women's meeting. I said I would bring it- but I wasn't prepared for what happened next. I get in my car and it says I can go 2 miles. Two. When I left work it was 19. Somehow, the gas thief came by and syphoned out some gas in a one hour period. So, I called Amanda to tell her I was going to get gas then deliver the paper. As I am desperately praying to God to get to to the gas station and in a sheer panic- I realize I left my pocketbook at home. So- I panic and almost pop a wheelie spinning out so fast from the BP. I call my neighbor and ask for his gas can- go get it from his back porch, then drive to the gas station again, this time about to cry because I know I was just given a provision from God to get me to the store- then I go and mess it up from leaving my money at home! So- I finally make it to the store and get some gas. That 2 mile point never changed. I am so thankful for tiny blessings that God pours out- even when I am stupid and wait to get gas and more stupid to leave my money at home.

I had Kelli and Manda come over for some wii and dinner. We played wii for a lil while, watched the season finale of Project Runway and ate a vegan dinner. Kelli and Manda didn't know they weren't eating meat until I begged them to tell me if they were telling me a lie when they said it was good. They thought it was meat, so I guess that means it passed the test! We had meatless "beef" tip stir fry, 2 "chicken" tenders, wild rice, baked breaded okra, and wheat bread. I was nice and added some "I can't believe it's not butter to their slices, but not mine ;). Kelli tried a smoothie round and liked it and Manda had a mini ice cream sandwich. I think they liked eating vegan!

Anyway- moving on to the movie! Kelli made us leave at 1030. Good call on her part. It was slowly filling in when we got there. So we sat there for what seemed like forever- and then the movie started.

Here is my review: the camera person needs to learn to not move the camera so fast- I felt like I was watching all over the place. The movie left out CRITICAL pieces of the book- and changed a major ending point. There was no time get invested in people because it was so quickly moving. The way they presented the characters is not how they were presented in the book. It wasn't the blood bath I was expecting. At all. And maybe that is why it was so clinching in the book- you had to read to see how this person faired from the fighting. The Capital lived up to what I imagined it would be. I had one tiny problem though. The tributes from District 11 were black. This district is known for agriculture. The kids names were Thresh and Rue. Thresh- Im pretty sure he didnt need to be black- because I got a terrible "slavery" feeling about that. Maybe I am reading too much into it. But Thresh was HUMONGOUS in the book. This kid wasn't that big. It just didnt sit well the character choice for me. Also- all the kids were clean. Um- they were in the arena for over 2 weeks and had dewey fresh skin- with no dirt. Really? Because in the book- the towns where most of them came from were extremely poor and they were dirty. And they were in the wilderness- but not dirty. So my end review: it wasn't worth the $13.25 I spent to see it.

Hope you read the books! The imagination is much more stronger than anything that is created.

1 comment:

  1. I agree totally with your movie review. And some parts they added were weird too. Like Haymitch talking the the game maker implying that he suggested the rule change? Seems like a stretch to me.
