Monday, March 19, 2012

1st & 2nd Bucket List Completion

A few weeks ago, I made a Bucket list for Spring. Saturday St. Patty's Day 2012- I started on the list. I want to hike all of the State Parks in GA. I have done a few, so I am just trying to catch up since there are 63! Ive done Black Rock Mountain, High Falls, and now Hamburg. I called 2 of the youth that hang out with me a lot and told them I was picking them up and we were going hiking. I packed a picnic lunch and off we went.

I have been to Hamburg many times before, but never hiked it. This was supposed to be a 3.5 mile hike. I am not sure, but we hiked for 3 hours- and I am fully confident it was more like 4 something. We climbed over logs, made out way through briars, and sweated it up. Abby and Ansley are seriously the loudest people I could have chosed to take with me, but we made the most of it.

Here is the injury report:
Abby's legs looked like a cat attacked her because of the serious briar scratches she got.
She also FELL and busted it in front of some fisherman. I couldn't help but die laughing, but also thinking- my gosh please tell me your ankle isn't broken- we are too far into this hike for that.
I have 2 HUGE scratches on my left leg from a briar that literally tore my skin open. It was bloody and now is infected :( and a few others on both legs.
I also received a blow to the face from a downed branch/limb/javelin that knocked me out in the face. Had I not had on my huge sunglasses, I think I would be a cyclops. I am making jokes, but I cried and seriously got the crap knocked out of me. I have a bruise to prove that one as well.
Ansley was the least scathed. She has a few scratches, and got whacked in the back once, but nothing else.

We had our picnic (with a blanket bucket list #2pin) near the water fall and it was so pretty and peaceful. At the end of the day, we all felt super accomplished. It is cool to knock off 2 pins from the bucket list and put them in the bucket! I hope that they all get in the bucket by the end of May!

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