Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Happy Post

I decided to post something fun and happy for once. All my writings lately have been so downcast. My coworker said she cried when she read my blog about my meltdown. So, with that being said, we work on a happy post.

What are something that truly make you happy? I have been thinking about this today and here are a few things:

-When sweet Daisy Griffin won't go to anyone else in church but me- and even faces her 3 yr old shyness in the face and walks down the entire church aisle to come sit with Waychel
-When Mowgli rolls all over my dirty towels. I think I belly laugh every time. That is her purest form of happiness
- When Kroger gives me FREE product coupons- and last night I got an organic protein bar and meatless "chicken" tenders for FREE- hello Vegan week bucket list!
- When I can easily fit into a size I never dreamed of fitting in. Yes, it is a confidence booster.

-When I find really cheap nail polish- in awesome colors. Right now I have a "Show me some skin" mani- I should paint my nails more often. I think that brightens the mood.
-MAKEUP. Oh man- I could write a book on this. I love love love eyeshadows and lips colors. Working for Estee Lauder got me addicted. I got 200 eyeshadows for Christmas- and I use the pallet everrrryday. I like talking makeup, I like doing my own and others makeup, and I just like looking at makeup. Obsessed.
- Accessories. Oh. My. Word. My college boyfriend told me that I could make a white t shirt look good because I paid so much attention to the details of my accesories. I never leave the house without earrings. If I do, Im sick and didnt notice!

-There arent many "foods" that make me happy. Used to be a lot of sweets, but since I rarely eat them anymore, I dont really have a "favorite food". I can honestly say I don't really see food the same way I did. But if I had to choose, a really pretty salad can make my day better.
-When I have 3-5 little kids running up to me at church begging for a hug and some attention. Not many people can say every kid in the church loves on them, but I can. And that melts my heart that these precious kids think I am someone special.

-When my former students still come by and visit- and ask me hard questions about life- and I get to share my faith with them. It is in those instances I can feel God at work in me the most.
-When I get to be a guest speaker. I love people and I love talking to them. The BCM speaking night was so much fun- and I felt at peace about it, and had a great time sharing and could feel the Lord moving in me.
-When people get excited about their health. When the light bulb goes off and they get it. It makes my job a little easier and better.

These are just some of the truly happy moments in my life. "Hook" would say- where is your happy place Peter? Think happy thoughts." and I would encourage you to do the same.

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