Thursday, April 5, 2012


Ponder over this word for a moment. Magnitude.

I was somewhere at the Freedom Church Easter Play the other day and had the idea for this post. Obviously I didn't post it when I thought of it- because I really wanted to understand to the fullest extent what that word means and entails.


You might think of a Richter scale to measure the size of an earthquake. I also think of something in a large capacity. Something really big. But- not just big in size. The complete essence of that thing is far more greater than what you can actually see of it.

As I watched this beautiful performance, that I had seen a few times before, this word came in to my mind. God was slowly reminding me, or maybe teaching me for the first time about the magnitude of the cross. When I say teaching me the first time, maybe I mean allowing me to see the cross in its fullest capacity, the essence of cross itself is far more greater than what we can see. The magnitude that it carries brought about emotions in me that I haven't really thought about. It is so much bigger than any other historic event to ever take place on this planet.

I am kind of a history nerd and I like to visit historic sites and learn about life the way it was long ago. I don't study it, I just like to learn about it and make trips out of my learning.

Think about it. Wars have shaped the founding and demise of countries. Illnesses have wiped out nations. Catastrophic climate changes have changed the face of the earth forever. Sailing to the depths of the end of the earth brought about new establishments and trade endeavors. This cross and this man- literally changed the course of LIFE forever.

I don't know where you stand in relation to the cross, but my earnest prayer for you is that you stand up for it to show you won't back down on your faith; to stand behind it and know that the Lord is leading you, even when you have no hope; to kneel before it and come to the feet of it and worship the Almighty True and One King; and to stand in absolute awe of it. What this man, Jesus, did for you and me on that cross so many years ago has a HUGE magnitude about it. He took your place. He took my place. Every drop of his blood was shed on and with purpose. Purpose to defeat not only death and the grave, but to defeat the sin that we commit. To cover ALL of my wrongs, even the ones I run to in the secret. To perfect me to be able to even come close to the cross. To allow me to stand before my Creator and truly experience worship in its purest form. His blood was not spilled on accident- he chose this death for me- and for you- and for generations to come.

Tomorrow is Good Friday. I'm sure people wonder why it is called "Good" when something so terrible, so outlandishly awful, so repulsive, so intense and horrific happened, but I say unto you- it is good because you and I now have direct access to God. Christ took on fullness of man- while still exhibiting fullness of God- to pardon sin- once and for all. It is good because I have a Savior- who loves me just as I am- no matter what I have done. He takes me in his arms and says to me "I love you, even when- even when no one else does dear child. You are mine. No one can take that from you". It is Good Friday, because what happened on Sunday is amazing- and good always precedes better. Mother Goose said "Good, Better, Best never rests until Good be Better and Better Best". Though not some grammaticaly correct statement, it is pure truth. Our sins were nailed to the cross (good); Christ died a shameful death to conquer death for me and you (better) and Praise the Lord he ROSE AGAIN on Sunday (best). He is LIVING BREATHING God! He is Alive, and I am forever grateful he chose me.

Today and Tomorrow, realize the magnitude of what Jesus did on the cross, in the grave, and through his Resurection.

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