Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why you so obsessed with Me?

Do you ever find yourself obsessed with something? I certainly do. And I don't think it is me being a Type A personality either. Here are a few of my current obsessions (and that to me means, having a lot of, nothing else matters, you gravitate towards things in this category, you go out looking for these specific things, etc.)

  • Colors. Currently is is Seafoam green, gold and cream. We have come a long way since college when it was Turquoise and Brown. Who remembers that? Everything I owned was these two colors, yikes. Now, I see the entire color spectrum and appreciate the individuality each one brings.
  • Stripes- I am not so much a fan of Chevron, but I like wide stripes. I recently went shopping in February and came home with nothing but striped shirts.
  • Nautical stuff- I searched high and low for an anchor necklace in the Bahamas- finally finding it at a kiosk in the Market place. I have an anchor bag I took on the trip too. I have new red, white, and blue leather boat shoes; I am currently wearing a nautical rope printed scarf and rope bracelet. I want gold knot earrings.
  • I was super obsessed over the Hunger Games. NEVER in my life have I ever stayed up til the wee hours of the morning to read a book- let alone 3 in a matter of 2 weeks. I read by chapters anyway, I would get so far, and then the chapter would have me literally hanging on by the edge of my seat that I HAD to finish on.
  • Good deals. Im a sucker for a sale. Yesterday, I got a new Nike pullover regular $50 for $19 and sports bra for $10, regular $25. Still may seem like a lot, but you can't beat the quality of Nike clothes. I coupon too. My best trip was a gallon of milk, 2 bags of M & Ms, and 4 cards for $0.28. I was awesome that day.
  • Weight loss. I have a goal I want need have to get to, and I beat myself up a lot when I over do it on the eating departing me or when I don't exercise as much as I should. I seriously can't afford to join a gym right now, So I am having to do everything at home. Last night I ate 6 wings (only b/c I didnt want to take 2 wings home); My normal is 4. So, as punishment I guess, I made myself do an extra 20 push ups last night. Totalling 142 for one day. I obsess over what I eat, in a paranoid way. Down to the single chocolate covered almond. And then I recount how terrible of a person I am that I can't lose weight- and back to square one. On, and I obsess on the number on the scale.
  • Shoes. I have a shoe obsession to the max. I'm cheap though. I have to find shoes on sale or have a good deal to purchase them. I went in last week for one pair (knowing I was going to buy 2 because of BOGO, but I came out with 4. Great decision. And, I have found, if the shoe fits, buy it in multiple colors. Most of my shoes do come in 2 colors when you gaze into my closet!
I write all of this because I have to take a deeper look at my life. All of these things are just that: things. I am not obsessed over something that really matters or can make a difference. I focus my attention on what I can get. Do you ever get obsessed with the Word of God? To the point where you go out searching for more of it? Do you get obsessed with memorizing scripture and learning new ones? Do you get obsessed over praying for people- not just in casual I prayed for you manner, but earnestly seeking the Lord through petition for a person? Obsessed with telling people about Jesus? Do you find yourself always rejoicing, regardless of the circumstances you are in? Continually praying? Giving thanks in everything? (1 Thess 5:16-18) Hmm. The obsessions of my heart are not really that enlightening, or awesome for that matter.

This is what I want: And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,  so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1:9-11)


  1. 1. I went through the cream obsession this winter. It's so classy! ;)

    2. LOVE Hunger Games. (But you already know that!)

    3. I never, ever buy anything full price. I'm a sucker for a deal too, girl! It just makes good sense!

    4. One a more serious careful with the exercise/eating obsession, chica! Exercise can turn into a type of "purging" when you only do it because of what you ate. There's a real fine line before you cross over into an eating disorder...just be careful, love!

    And look FABULOUS. So just stop it already. ;)

  2. "Stripes- I am not so much a fan of Chevron, but I like wide stripes. I recently went shopping in February and came home with nothing but striped shirts.
    Nautical stuff- I searched high and low for an anchor necklace in the Bahamas- finally finding it at a kiosk in the Market place. I have an anchor bag I took on the trip too. I have new red, white, and blue leather boat shoes; I am currently wearing a nautical rope printed scarf and rope bracelet. I want gold knot earrings."

    #yes #obsessed #everywhereinNYC

    You do look amazing. You don't NEED to reach a goal - celebrate the small steps and that you really do look great. Goals are great, but you of all people know that your body has a certain weight and shape that you can reasonably maintaing. You can't live your whole life trying to stay at your smallest size if it's a smaller size than your body wants to be. And you also know that if you restrict yourself you're just going to obsess (see what I did there?) about it. Eat what you crave, Indulge and instead of worrying about it add it to your list of great things you enjoyed for the day!

    One last thing: there isn't a wrong decision for you. (I'm referring to the housing sitch). Yes, sometimes there are better choices than others, but please realize that you are not choosing between right and wrong, good and bad. If you take a step and it turns out to be not what you want, you can change it at some point soon. Enjoy your freedom. The grass is not greener :)

    Oh, and keep posting your hair pics!!

    And blogs are for venting. And reflecting. You're doing both, so keep counting your blessings and keep your chin up.

    Whew. I think I'm caught up, ha!
