Friday, May 18, 2012


It has been an incredibly long time since I sat down and poured out my thoughts. I have had the time- just no ambition. No one cares anyway. It's not like I am writing a profound cant put down novel over here.

But on to business. These are a few things that I am learning/ have learned/ want to apply over the last few months. Take them for what they are, but trust me, don't make someone say them to you twice. Pay attention now.

1. Who do you say you are? No really, who do you really say you are? If what you say isn't matching up with your life, then something needs to change.

2. There is divine purpose in EVERYTHING. Even when you think you specifically have no purpose, God is still at work. He is the mastermind architect. The incredible painter. The constant house flipper. He is still at work, never stopped as a matter of fact, and is perfecting you.

3. God's will is going to be done- regardless of if you try and speed it up or slow it down (Aaron Gibbs, college friend). So- when there is chaos- remember that the Creator of storms and winds and rain, is also the Creator of rainbows, dew on the lillies, and blue skies. It may be a long time coming, and you may never see the end results, but hold fast to the promises that God is still in control. He has already let things pass through his permissive hands that can happen to you, find comfort in knowing he is holding you in those hands as well.

4. People aren't what they seem- there is always a closet filled with skeletons or in some cases an attic with demons waiting to be unleashed on someone. We can't judge people for the things that are in their past or present, all we can do is meet them where they are and love them. That is it. You don't have to like them.

5. Putting your faith in the created takes your focus off of the Creator. The more you try to do, even if it is Church things, can take your focus off of who Christ is and what he did for you. Learn to really cling, like a tree frog on a window, to the Word of God and put your faith in the ultimate inventor of life.

6. Words aren't always pretty. Sometimes they go on slick like paint on a wall- and sometimes they go over like a blender with no lid filled with a smoothie on high. Be careful of how you react to people. Be careful of the words you choose to let come out of your mouth. Sometimes, it is best to just let them flash in your mind instead of bringing them out like a parade at Disney.

7. Life does go on. As trivial and negating to your situation as that might sound, it is true. If you are still breathing, life is still happening. Make the most to not miss too much of it when you are down.

8. Love is hard. Really hard. It hurts to give it your all only to be given back nothing. Love is a battlefield like Jordin Sparks said. Filled with landmines of despair and hand grenades of your shortcomings. These things blow up in your face and hurt. Sting. Even make you feel things in places you have never felt. It is hard to love. It is hard to get over a love. If you think it is worth working at, then make a plan to dodge the bombs and work it out. If the war is too much, give it up and find out who you want to be before you try and love again.

9. It is ok to cry. Cry until you can't anymore. Get it out and let it run dry. Cry when you feel the need. Don't supress it. Let it out. You aren't accountable to anyone on this earth for crying. Sometimes those tears are what we need to wash away the dirty window in front of us and let us see things differently- or just see them for what they really are for the first time.

10. True friends will be there without asking. You won't ever have to wonder where they are or why they haven't called. The ones you have to seek out for interaction, then those aren't your truest. The genuine ones know when you are struggling- and call you out on it because they care. You will know your true friends when you find yourself with nothing, and then a true friend notices and calls, texts, or makes it a point to communicate with you. You won't have to look very far for these, because they stand out in the crowd and don't just blend in with the "friends" circle you keep.

11. People don't change. Gasp- say what? No, they really don't. You can't change them either. So quit trying. It isn't worth your time or effort. Things aren't going to get better, by anything you do or say. people only change when they realize the need for improvement. They are the only ones who can make these changes. Not you. Not your mom. And not some book.

12. Take moments for yourself. Do something once a month for JUST YOU!!. No one else can accompany, no one else needs to know about it. Just you. Find out what you want in life and make a way to get there. Spend some time, and sometimes some money, on YOU. There is only one of you, so why not make it a worthwhile investment?

I hope you take these words to heart. They are true. They are real. They really do apply to your life now and what it is going to be.

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