Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bucket List

Saturday I crossed off another Bucket List pin. The pin was to host a themed party. I helped some dear to my heart friends with their kid's birthday party. I was in charge of decorations and food. And I made the invitations. I think it all turned out well, it was nice to help with the party, even though:

1. NO one RSVP'd until the night before- 3 Friday night and 1 Saturday morning!!
2. No one RSVP'd, but showed up at 4:30 and the party didn't start til 5 (Really- you think this is ok?)
3. I didn't make enough cupcakes because we didn't know at all who was coming
4. I made the cupcakes and then put the teddy graham on it and they got soggy, so I had to redo them
5. I dropped 12 of the cupcakes and the bears all broke into pieces and my pool blue icing look like I had licked them before displaying them
6. Of the 5ish people that RSVP'd, 30 kids were there. Interesting math!
7. The lifeguard didnt get there til like 5 til 5 to open up the pool
8. The present I thought was cool wasn't exactly "make a good face" worthy to Nathan

I could go on and on about all the mess ups, but it was a good party. Pool parties are the way to go. My snacks and cupcakes got gobbled up. One kid, when going back for his second, said, these are the best cupcakes I have ever had. So, he made my heart smile a little- even if my bears looked like they were drowing instead of floating. Another cute kid from church had 3- so my secret ingredient did work. I found an awesome shark online and this was the highlight of the party- even if I didn't make it completely- it was still my suggestion- and that counts in my book. And I fixed him up for the party. And I did do the fin and the eyes and helped with the teeth!  ;) But Compliments to Mr. Brett who did most of the work. The shark saved the day!
Bucket list still needs some work, so hopefully I can get some of it done this week!

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