Monday, February 11, 2013

The prayed for coming true

One thing I have found in common on my friend's blogs is the want for friends. I thought Kevin and I were the only ones desperately praying for God to bring new people into our lives, but when I see other friends are praying for that same thing, it reminds me that others do struggle with this as well.

Why is it so EASY to have tons of friends in college, yet so incredibly HARD to find people to even talk to when you are grown and on your own?

I still am trying to find the answer to this. I think I had a lot of friends in college because I went to a relatively small college- and was super involved in the BSU. Friends were a'plenty there. That's why my grades weren't awesome freshman year- because I had too many friends that I needed to spend time with and didn't spend time with my books!

I think the one basic need besides shelter, food, and the like is acceptance. Everyone wants to feel that they are appreciated, included, and wanted.

Why do kids join gangs? I think.. they want to be a part of something- even if they know it isn't the right something, they know they will have that void of acceptance filled.

Why do people continue relationships that they know are not what is right for them? I think... for that moment in time, it allows them to feel like someone does want them, even if they know this person is not the person they need to be with.

I have never had a lack of friendships throughout my life. The first day of kindergarten I convinced a girl and her brother on my bus to just get off at my house and not their house. While I remember sitting in the yard licking the top off of a pudding cup, my mother was frantically calling the school district and trying to get these kid's address out of them. My new friends were 5 and 7, so not much help in that department. We remained friends until I moved away in the 6th grade.

I do know a lot of people, but today God has reminded me of new friends and ones that have stuck with me over the years.

Kevin and I prayed and prayed and prayed for new church friends the entire fall and summer. It sounds lame to pray for friends, but that was my biggest fear- being lonely.

We have been richly blessed with a Sunday School class that was open to having us join them. Kevin specifically said we were going to a church where we could be mentored. He wanted us to have people invest in us and allow us the opportunity to grow and learn from them. That spoke volumes to me- that he would see the need for that. We are currently the youngest couple in the class- and we are ok with that. We want to learn how to go through this thing called life from others who have been there. We want to share our exciting events with them and share in theirs. It is so rewarding to see this prayer request coming true.

It is a blessing to see the verse "A friend loves at all times, a brother is born for a time of adversity" really play out in my life, not just at church, but through other opportunities we have been given. (Proverbs 17:17)

I think the whole reason behind this post today is that when God allows you to share in blessings, it is truly a rewarding experience. I can see the answers to my tear filled requests being played out on Sundays.

I can also see this request being made new again through old friendships that are picking back up again.

I see the power of forgiveness at work in my life as well. With friends and family- God is at work and I am so thankful that I get to take part in that.

1 comment:

  1. You may be the youngest people in the class, but I'm the most immature! :-) We're so happy to have both of you!
