Monday, January 14, 2013

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

If you know me- you know I am pretty much late to everything. EVERYTHING. I am sure my casket is going to get lost in travel and I will be late to my own funeral.

With that being said, I thought I would do a (late) year in review to sort of put things in perspective of how my life has changed. Sit back- oh- and expect more consistent posts all this month. I have been welling over with things to write about- so get ready.

January 2012
 January 4th- my world as I knew it got rocked to the core and I started the process of being single again.

January 12- My sweet dog, Winnie, my little dotted dachshund, passed away.
Needless to say- this was one of the worst months of my life. Just a lot of emotion and things I didnt ask for happened. I lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time.

February- I went to a Women's Conference with some friends and really tried to listen to what God was trying to teach me through this madness.
We celebrated White Cosby's 68th Birthday!

March- I went on a GET AWAY cruise to the Bahamas and had a great time with my friend Miranda!

April- This was a confusing month for me. Just a lot of emotions in an uncertain time. Wanting to do God's will- but also not giving up my own either.  I took NASTY fall hiking in a State Park. 8 months later I am still trying to treat this awful scar! My deddy was 4 years cancer free this month too. Praise the Lord!

May- My mom had a birthday. I have come to realize another birthday for anyone is a blessing.

June- A trip to the beach to visit my friend Alicea. 2 Yankees games. Being 10 feet away from Derek Jeter. An interview at The University of Alabama. A decision that I was going to be ok, regardless of what my situation was. A "yes" to a lunch date with an old friend. The month my life turned around. The start of the best love story ever.

July- A new move to a new townhouse. A July 4th on the lake all day. A few days in Helen GA with some of my closest friends and their kids. The realization that this guy was head over heels for me- and it was ok for me to be happy.

August-  Kevin got a promotion the latter part of July and his new rank started August 1st. Back to school for the college kiddies- yay for interaction again!The best birthday ever spent at the beach with my amazing dream come true of a boyfriend and my girls Elizabeth and Alicea. Kevin made turning 28 a breeze.

September- I don't remember anything big happening here- but I am sure there is something worth noting.

October- My first GA Southern Game- and most assuredly not the last.

November- November 16th- The man of my dreams asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. The next day I met all of his college buddies at my second GSU game- in Athens. A wonderful Thanksgiving with lots to be thankful for this year.

December- A lot of off days allowed for lots of planning for a big wedding coming in April of 2013. Some fun memories with my now Fiance (I am clearly not cool enough to know how to had the ' over the e, sorry. 4 Christmases in one day. Sounds like a movie or something. Started the new year with my sweet boy.

So- never in a million times a trillion years would I have thought I would be in the position I am in now. To go through a breakup- that I am still trying to figure out why it broke me so bad- to meeting the MAN of my dreams- to getting engaged and being under 100 days away from a wedding- is nearly impossible for me to wrap my human mind around. Thankfully- the Lord says   “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matt 19:26

In the past 6 months that Kevin and I have been together- we have learned much and are confident we will learn much more in the coming days. We have officially joined our new church- and we are so glad the search for that is OVER. God has us where he wants us- and we have already hit the ground running. Kevin gets to relive some of his high school glory by playing the drums- but this time for a much higher purpose. He is in the Praise band in our contemporary service. He loves it- and don't tell him this- but I know without a shadow of doubt in my mind- that God is taking great delight in his servant for answering the calling that was placed on his heart. I can see a little glimmer of excitement on his face every time he plays.

I have gotten involved in the Young Women's ministry and I can see that this group really does missions and really likes them. Yay! My heart is happy to be in a place where people WANT to work for the Lord- not just talk about it.

We have made new friends in our Sunday School class- yes we got what we asked for. A church with good music- Sunday school- and ministries.

We are so excited to start 2013 in our new church family. It has been a long time coming- but I know God had to work out the details before we could find a place to call home. So, here's to 2013- May the odds be ever in our favor.

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