Monday, January 14, 2013

The Dirty Thirt-een

13s are popping up all over my year this year- and I am hoping that my black cat bad luck doesn't win out. Maybe 2013 is going to be awesome this year. With that being said- here are my 13 goals- not so much resolutions- but 13 things I want to accomplish this year.

1. To make it a habit to get up and workout- not just for the wedding- at least 3 times a week. After the wedding, because right now it is pretty much everyday!

2. To read 13 books. This might sound lame, but I never read the Harry Potter books- but I have seen every movie- and LOVE them, so I want to take that challenge. After I finish this book Kevin asked me to read- Beyond the Badge.

3. To really get into my Bible like I did a long time ago and pick apart the word and really grasp what God is trying to teach me.

4. To pick back up my prayer journal and write out my prayers. I know I feel like I am much more in tune with staying focused when I write out my heart to God. Maybe this will allow me to get back on track with my life to have this piece consistent.

5. To invest in 13 people over the course of a year. I miss spending time with the youth girls I had and hope I can meet some new students at our new church. I also just want to find some new friends to hang out with.

6. To look the best I have ever looked on my wedding day. I only get one shot- and I will be danged I am not going to look back at my pictures and say- good grief why didn't I work out harder.

7. To make it a point to go to 13 different places this year. Whether in my state, region, or out of country- 13 new places.

8. To become a better crafter. I love my sewing machine- but I need to learn to use it to the fullest extent. I also need to organize my space in a way that is an environment that is inspiring. Let the decorating and organizing begin!

9. To pray for my fiance and when the time comes, my husband, specifically and intently. Not just a Please God bring him back home alive prayer, but prayers that will change his world, his being, and his mind. Prayers that he can have all the tools he needs to lead our family closer to the cross. Prayers that even when I am frustrated with him, that God would set him apart to do great and mighty things for the Lord. Prayers that give encouragement, light, and hope for when he is defeated. And most importantly, prayers that his relationship with the Lord would be far greater than any relationship he and I could ever have.

10. To walk my dogs at least 3 times a week. Seems easy to you- but you try walking The Calm, The Lazy, and The Crazy. One listens, one does not, and one refuses to walk or put on the collar. They just have to stay in "jail" all the time and I really need to make it a point to get them outside more.

11. To not live beyond my means. Up until October of last year- shopping was a HUGE part of me. I LOVE to shop. I love to shop for clothes. But- I told Kevin I wouldnt shop for clothes until Spring. I can honestly say- I didnt spend but $20 on myself for 3 months! I had to have a pair of shoes the day after Thanksgiving- but that is the only thing I bought for myself in THREE MONTHS. I dont think you realize how huge of a deal this is for me. It is quite epic honestly. I did break my rule and went shopping New Year's day because I had giftcards- and spent some money that wasnt on gift cards- but 2 dresses, 1 skirt, 3 shirts, and 2 pair of shoes for $50 counts as a win in my book. I will try and only go shopping when I have extra money- or a real need for something. It has been kind of interesting to see what outfits I can put together and repurpose. On with the thriftyness!

12. To have a better relationship with my family. Most importantly with my parents, but also to my extended family that is within an arm's reach. I need to visit more often and invest in my sweet cousins. I just need to come around more and not sit at home all the time.

13. The last one. I want to do something that is much greater than I can imagine. I do not yet know what this is, but I want to do experience something incredible. Set me up God, because your ways are better than mine.

There you have it folks. The dirty Thirt-een. Do you have a list? Make it happen.

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