Thursday, October 4, 2012

I love ...Part Deux

I hope you came back to hear about the second part of the love story. Maybe it will be as cool as the first one. Maybe you thought the first one wasn't that great. Oh well, here goes...

So, that Saturday, after he woke up from his zombie shift, he called and asked if I wanted to hang out with him that night. This dude meant business. Never have I ever been on 2 back to back dates with the same guy in one weekend. Just who did he think he was? Obviously, Mr. Right. What did I have to lose? Ok, sure I will come hang out with you at your house- I clearly don't have any other social life going on to keep me from participating.

He gave me directions to his house and I set out on my "omgihavetolookprettybutnotlikeiamtrying" outfit. A cute bright top and bright blue shorts. All the while thinking I was going to be sick to my stomach because I was nervous. Nervous that was it ok for me to be doing this? This dating and hanging out thing? Was I ready? Had my broken heart really had time to heal or was I just going through the motions? No, I know my heart had healed. I had washed my hands of everything and moved on. Yes, this is ok Rachel- its just hanging out with some super hot guy, nothing but hanging out. I drove over- called him because his road wasn't showing up on my GPS- and he said "haha- you just passed it" as I drove by.

Embarrassing moment #1. So I finally turn around after I made sure that the redness was gone in my face. Such a cute house. A craftsman style house. Funny, because that is what I have had my heart on buying or building or making a house into if I had to remodel one I bought. House- check. We made small talk and he gave me a tour of the house. First stop- the shed.

Filled with oodles and oodles of man things- like tools and gardening stuff- and motorcycles- and lawn mowers and pressure washers. It reminded me of my deddy's shop. I asked him if he knew how to use any of the power tools and he said "yeah, I built this shed." Come again? He has tools and actually knows how to use them? Shed- check. Maybe he was a manly man- interesting.

The house tour picked back up inside. We toured the guest rooms, not much going on there at all- a bed a tv- guess thats what guys do for decor. Moving on..Is it just me or is this guy a neat freak? Everything had its own place- the bathroom was clean- the living room was clean- the kitchen was even cleaner. Then the Master Bedroom. Neatly organized. Then I saw it. In the bathroom. I think my heart skipped a beat. All neatly arranged on the counter top. A Sonicare. Is this real life God? (In case you don't know- teeth- a good looking grill- and all the pieces in tact and white are my #1 must have. I had settled for this with so many exes)- and here this guy was brushing with a Sonicare. Oh Good dental care- CHECK.

He asked me if I wanted something to drink. Into the kitchen we went. He opened the frige- and the radar was zoning in. A quick scan told me either he was still living like he was in college (broke and cheap) or that he was never home to eat. I picked the latter. Then- there it was. Like a spotlight came on- Organic. Fat. Free. Milk. I caught myself smirking in God's direction thinking, are you trying to play games with me? Don't do this to me.

Seriously- the night could have ended right there and I would have been as happy as could be. House. Tool Shed. Toothbrush. Organic Milk. I am pretty sure this guy was designed specifically for me- and I didn't even know I had asked for him.

We talked- and talked. For hours. And I literally mean hours. I kept thinking I was going to wake up from this dream- that some cute guy was 1) interested in me 2) talked as much as I did and 3) actually wanted to just sit around and talk about life- but it was REAL. Really real.

We went to Kroger to buy stuff for dinner. At this point I was freaking out because I didn't know if it was ok for people to see us together. And then I thought, what the heck- I don't care who sees us together- I want them to see us together. (keep in mind this is DATE 2 people) We did see people in there that I knew- 2 sets of married friends I have- and I had to introduce him and he took it like a champ. Talked it up and it was amazing. Who is this guy? I kept thinking candid camera was going to jump out and tell me this was all a joke. It never happened.

We got our salad and fruit (ps he is a healthy eater, be still my heart) and headed back to his house. From this point- I can't put into words for you the excitement, the happiness, and the all out perfection of how this night went. We continued to talk- and talk- and I am pretty sure I even cried at one point. He never got up or looked at me weird- we just had the most open, honest, and direct conversation I have ever had in my life. For hours on end. It lasted until extremeeeeelllllyyyyy late in the morning, you would be better off to say the next day. I finally looked at the clock and felt like Cinderella- I needed to get my booty out of there ASAP. Who does this on the second date Rachel!?

So, hurredly I left- kicking myself because of what time it was- and the whole time home- thinking- that was the best night I have ever had in my life. You know why? Because I am good at one thing- and one thing only- talking. And this guy kept up with me- even had me silent at some points. Huh?

So- to make a long story even longer, we both went to our respected churches, and texted that afternoon. My friends took me to lunch and made a direct point to call me out on why I was so happy and acting weird. They noticed. I tried to hide it- but I wound up keeping them in a parking lot for an hour just gushing about this guy- that they knew- and called him Abercrombie.

I went to another married friend's house and clearly they saw it too. So I had to tell the story again. I didnt mind. Then he texted and asked if I wanted to meet his parents that night. Um, its Day 3? And all the while my friends said I had to go. So, into their bathroom I went and tried to look presentable with the help of her makeup and his advice! What did I have to lose? All in Rachel.

So, I later met his parents that night. No awkwardness. The whole time he was right beside me and really wanted to be next to me. He wanted to show me off. Weird, never been in that situation before...

There you have it. That is how it started in a nutshell. That Sunday after dinner we hung out after leaving his parents- and Monday he asked me to be his girlfriend. On the floor in the office area of his house.

I can't make this stuff up people. I hope you smiled when you read it. I smile everyday when I think about how BAT CRAP CRAZY it is. God had his hand on my relationship with Kevin Pope since a knee surgery day in 2005. It just keeps getting better. Tune in next week for something not so lovey-dovey.

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