Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How it came to be- Part 1

Maybe I am writing this down so I don't forget it. Maybe it is for those of you who really want to know. Maybe, just maybe, it's a story worth telling.

Seven years ago, December 15, 2005 I was prepped and ready to have my ACL reconstruction surgery at ORMC. Going to the hospital with no makeup and some sweats in the early morning hours to get this thing over with. Hugely nervous and terrified out of my Senior college student mind, I get in the waiting lobby with my parents. Little did I know some adrenaline seeking college kid who grew up in Milledgeville and went to school at Georgia Southern would re-tear his ACL and have surgery scheduled the same day as me. Literally 15 minutes before me. So- we talked and our parents met and both of us were in knee braces by that afternoon. The crazy part is- the guy got to go home and I had to spend the night in misery. Because the pain was so bad and my morphine pump got blocked. Oh- and I dont eat spice cake anymore because once I did get some pain meds, they brought me dinner and spice cake doesn't taste as good coming up as it does going down.He also got to start rehab the next day- I was on crutches for 6 weeks. 

Ever so often from this day I would get a random Facebook message asking about my knee and how I was doing. He was almost back to 100% within 2 months- um- we can for sure say that I am about 70% 7 years later. Small talk went on for a while..nothing major.

Somewhere along the last 3 years- I deleted the guy I shared a knee surgery day from my Facebook. I went through a REALLY large purge and cleaned house. Sadly, his didnt make the cut. I saw him randomly last August in Savannah- at a Governor's Office of Highway Safety meeting- the most random conference ever to see him at- in an elevator. We made small talk- of course it was about our knees- and that was it.

It would be wrong of me to lie and say I didn't really take notice of seeing him at this conference. Truthfully- I was wishing I didnt have a boyfriend so I couldve at least given him a "ohmygosh you lookamazing" hug- you know those close deep hugs you try linger a little longer with?

Fast forward to June 2012. My life was in the middle of (what I was hoping for) some changes. I had just interviewed with Alabama. I had just decided I was D-O-N-E with letting my ex play with my emotions. I had put in offers on 2 separate houses. I had started to gain weight back because I was normal eating again. I was going to make it alone and I was beyond excited about that.

So, I get a random Facebook friend request from the knee surgery guy with a message saying-  I know we were already Facebook friends,  not sure what happened (I do, oopssie, my bad). I see you work at the college, how is that and how is that knee holding up?

Out of no where but in the middle of everything, in the most awkward and perfect timing. Here is this guy- who I have thought is SUPER attractive the entire time I have known him- even when he was playing soccer in highschool. (He didn't know me- but I knew him because I dated a guy from his school and went to their Prom). Even when we were sleepy at 6 am on surgery day. Especially when I got caught in an elevator with him. I replied back with a Kevin! like an ohmygoshhowintheworldareyou Kevin, but I was hoping he didn't pick up on that- or that I had defriended him :(

Our messages back and forth touched on life. I asked about where he was stationed, because duh, I knew he had went to Trooper school, but didn't know where he was based out of, and life at the college in the summer time. Thrilling I dare say. BUT- then I snuck something in there after asking about where he worked, and to this day I am not sure how I pulled this off after deciding to give up on guys. I said "Where are you based?- because if you are near Milly- we should hang out."

Did I really just say that to him??- after declaring to the world, mainly my momma that I was done with guys and never wanted to ever go on another date for as long as I lived? WHAT THE HECK?!

In his reply, he said he lived in Milledgeville, bought a house and "We should defininetly (his spelling) get together sometime and hang out, I would like that!"

Rachel, what are you doing?! So we messaged back and forth a couple of more times about me being so frustrated with my life about trying to buy a house, his commute, my soon to be move to Wilkinson County (since I hadn't found anywhere to live), and why he moved back to Milly from the ATL. Oh..and tried to make plans to meet up for lunch on a Friday.

Then he asked for my number- with some excuse that it would make it easier to communicate and he was on his way to work and shouldn't be facebooking. And I gave it to him.

We texted and I want to say talked some that night, but I dont remember. I know he was at work from 9-5am- and he texted me when he got home. And I was secretly glad he texted me at 530 in the morning.

Then- it was go time. Within 24 hours this guy had messaged me, got my number, and had a lunch date with me. Ok- stand your ground much? Hard to get. Nope, easy to give I guess. He even let me pick where we were having lunch. Lieu's Peking, my all time favorite place in Milly.

I met him there- in my best Orientation work outfit I could pull off- note lots of sweaty makeup and frizzy hair- and couldnt help but be super nervous. I hadn't been on a date in over 3 years (from dating people for long periods of time). I was completely wanting to freak out- but for some strage reason, I didnt. Lunch couldnt have been any better. I talked- he talked- he talked so much that I ate all of my food and he didnt eat any of his- and we sat there for 2 and half hours. With never a dull moment- never awkward silence- never me leaving to go check my face- I did pull the mirror one time to check my teeth. It was the best date I had ever been on.

When we left- I gave him a hug, and then when back in for another one- and he GIVES THE BEST HUGS. I could have stayed there all afternoon and talked to him. It was the craziest thing ever. It was like we had known each other for years- and like our exes were the same people just a different gender. Later that night- we texted and talked and talked. It was the start of something amazing. Tune in tomorrow for part 2.

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