Thursday, July 19, 2012

Keep your coins, I just want change

Change is the essence of dealing with life. We learn to adapt in different situations, move forward to better ourselves and our circumstances, and make decisions that cause life altering effects.

Change is never easy. Is is also never the first thing we gravitate to. We get stuck in our comfort bubbles- sometimes they are more like igloos because we have shut out change for a while- and we refuse to make any changes to where we are in life. Sometimes even- we know that there has to be changes made in order for life to go on, yet we are still resistant to it.

Why does it hurt so bad- even when we know that is the best choice? Why do we resist it? I can't speak for you, but I can tell you my "change" story.

It is really hard to admit that you I dont have all the answers- even more so to admit that you  arent I am not  as awesome as you I think you are I am. Oh how change hurts. Hurts to the core. Shakes your soul and rattles your very being when you say "ok, something's gotta give."

Sometimes More often than I would like to admit I make really rash decsions. I decide this is how it is going to be and I have to do it NOW in order to be happy. This attitude never gets me very far. It usually comes around and bites me in the butt when I do this. e.g. like spending my money on materials instead of saving or here's a bright idea: paying bills.

There are times when your definition of change doesnt match up to how the change should take place in your life. i.e. changing your hair color because you need some change in your life. I was SO guilty of this in college. Every semester I had a new cut and color. Every semester. Until my junior year summer. I realized that no matter what color my hair was, I was still a loud speak your mind laugh out loud at the wrong times girl. If I needed change so much, I was going to have to dig into the character wardrobe and don on some new attitiudes if I wanted to be different. Im not knocking hair coloring- trust me I think it is awesome, and sometimes it gives a temporary change that is an awesome feeling- but not the kind of change Im talking about :)

Sometimes we have to have change to just breathe. A dear friend of me told me a few weeks ago "If nothing changes- nothing changes." Sounds like a crazy saying- but think about it. If you arent willing to give up somethings- your situation will be exactly the same as what is is now. No differences. Nothing new. Same old same old. In order to live life to its fullest and brightest capacity- you have to make some changes in your life.

Sometimes that is severing friendships that you have had for extended periods of time because you realize you dont and wont ever see eye to eye in this relationship. Maybe it is a new job- or new adventure in life. Other times change might come in the form of your my stone cold heart being chipped away to allow others in and goodness to flow out.

Change hurts. If it didnt- we would have no need for therapists, counselors, mentors, and friends. But- sometimes that hurt and the fear of the unknown is what drives us to pursue that change. And in the end result- we see that although it hurts, it was for our best that we had to go through with it.

Dont know where to start but know you desperately need change in your life and in your heart? I encourage you to turn to Ephesians 4:23: (CEV) Let the Spirit change your way of thinking. You won't be able to do this on your own- trust me. And if you do decide you got this- Rest assured you dont.

I have made some major changes in my life in the past few months, weeks, and even yesterday. Changes that hurt and made me cry- question everything I know- and really cherish memories. And you know what- I'm still here. Though I thought some things wouldve shouldve killed me- it didnt. Because change is part of life. I hope you make the changes you need to make to be the best you were created to be.

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