Monday. Monday. Monday. Didn't post last week because of the ice- even though I had 2 days off- I just chose to be lazy. Well- not really. I cleaned up our house- even vacuumed the mattress and pillows on our bed and cleaned the bathroom.
Georgia- you sure have been crazy lately. Snow- real fluffy snow- iced roads- a catastrophic event in Atlanta- 2.5 days off from work- then turn around and do it all again 2 weeks later- ice this time and 2 days off again. I am not complaining about not going to work. And then an earthquake on Valentine's day night. Go home Mother Nature, you're drunk.

My revelations of these past events: crazy. This is crazy.
The only thing that can make this ice and snow go away is heat and light. We had snow in our yard for a while because it was in the shade. People were put in the darkness from these storms because of ice and trees on the lines. Some didn't have power for days. The only thing that would make them happy is to have their lights back on. To feel the warmth and to be able to see in the dark. To feel alive again, because the dark can be a scary and depressing place.
Funny. That is how our lives are. So dark and so cold. Depressing and meaningless- and sometimes scary. Yet again- the only thing that can change our hardened hearts is light. The light of Christ. Only He can melt the heart of stone.
My heart has been heavy to pray for people that I am related to/can't stand/don't like/ but know that the need Jesus to change their heart (even when they tell me they don't need any extra prayers or any help from me).
If you look in these pictures of the trees and bushes from my yard, you will see there is something encased in the ice. I can see the potential of it to come back to life, but I can not melt the ice or unfreeze it. Only light can do that. I see people like that. There is potential for them to be made new, it just has to be unfrozen.
So this week, I pray for the words to pray for others that I don't like. I see the challenge God has laid before me. It isn't for me to change them or fix them- the challenge is for me to pray for them when I. Don't. Want. To. Only Christ can change a heart- bring it to life- and melt the cold, bitter, hatred, spiteful, and mean heart- and raise this life up from the dead.
Maybe my heart needs to be melted as well. Funny how God gives you grand ideas that you think can change the world- but honestly he is just trying to change