Thursday, August 9, 2012


If I could say one thing to you- oh, from the depths of my heart it would be Thank you. You will never know how grateful I truly am. It was the best decision you could have EVER MADE. Ever ever ever- man- genius move. A few months ago- someone told me "you will look back and know why THIS didn't work out and why something else did".
That same person told me that I would be thankful that this happened, because you. weren't. it. They couldn't have been more right.

If I could say one thing to you- mmm- I think it would be the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Your precious presentation of "how you are" doesnt match up with your actions. But the crazy thing is- I don't even want to say one thing to you.

One thing to you- the rains will come. Heavy and constant. You will be drenched and sometimes soaked to the core. Cold wet and lonely are things you might experience. Know this though: in order for things to GROW, somebody has to give it some water. Your life is like a desert in your times of need, hurt, and exploration. If you never get water in a desert- you die. BUT, if you get water- you live. Know that in order to grow as a person, you will have to get wet to sink your roots down and pull help from the depths of things you never knew existed in you. Sometimes, those rains of hard times and trials seem like they will never end- and maybe for you it will be a hurricane or a monsoon- taking away everything you cherish or leaving you with nothing but a basket of crushed emotions. Growth comes in the times after the watering dear friend. These are the times when you find out who you really are and what you are really made of.

One thing to you: Dr. Suess said "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind". If you really are the words that you describe yourself with, start living up to it. It should be evident and I wouldnt question it. And if your true character is being ^%*^&, then I hope you make some changes to be something different.  Stop pretending to be something you aren't ever going to be. Why do you want to be someone else anyway? You aren't a clone. You are an individual with the Creator's fingerprints all over you being. Just because all your friends "do it" doesnt really require you to do it. Stand out in a crowd, not sit down where no one can see you. Don't follow the "cool" things, set your own course and make life your own.

One last thing: People are put in your life for seasons. Just as the seasons change faithfully every year- so too will your group of friends. Things change for a reason- and we might never understand why, but value those people for the times you get have them in your life and be thankful for them. Many will come and many will go, select few will make it through more than a couple of seasons with you. So invest fully and wholeheartedly in your season changers, because they are doing the same for you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Rachel! I've been very behind on blog reading lately (not to mention posts), but I just wanted to let you know I stopped by today! Glad I did to because this post is BEAUTIFULLY written. I especially love the last part about things changing for a reason, and seemingly as quick as the seasons. So true!

    Hope yoy're doing well , lovely! You seem to be. :)))
