Monday, June 8, 2009
Well- I'm Home
Thanks to everyone who followed our trip- I hope it was interesting and you laughed some too. I am just going to upload some of my other favorite pics- tell you about adjusting back to American life and hope you had fun hearing my experiences!
The 3 grad students working on Public Health blog
our first dinner at Roma- 3 meats and amazing
in Dubrovnik on the city wall
my experience with rakija- oh how it burns
a beautiful church we visited in Osijek
Our AWESOME pink bus!!
That sunset is from the night I spent some time alone on the Mountain in Motovum

So we left the island of Brac on June 1st- headed back to Makarska- that day was the worst because it was rainy and seriously 45 degrees outside. We visited some really old town and looked a a cool museum and had a VERY entergetic tour guide- from here we went to the highest peak on the island- but it was so rainy and cold- and we were literally surrounded by a cloud- I stayed on the bus- we then had to drive back down the smallest roads known to man in our other bus-noth the pink one- and stop and go bc the curves were so bad- then we had an hour to sit and wait for the ferry to come take us back to Makarska- so everyone slept on the bus- we then got back on the ferry for a 45 minute ride- went back to the apts and started packing. Club Real- which was the name of our apt (Rachel, Elizabeth, Alicea, and Lauren) packed and laughed and had Alicea's awesome waldorf salad and oranges for dinner. Loaded the bus and headed back on our 8 hour trip back to Zagreb on Tuesday. The ride wasnt that bad- we did journals and slept mostly. Made it back to the city- and set out to spend every last lipa (coin) of our kuna- because none of us wanted to change it back so we were looking for whatever we could buy with $70 kuna- roughly $12 American bucks. We hit up the square- got some pizza and gelato for the last time :( then went to the mall next to our hotel. I got a SWEET table runner to match my kitchen- then we just came back to the Jadran, our hotel and watched Hannah Montana dubbed over in Croatian- It sucked worse than the real show. We packed- ate Croatian snacks and stayed up late packing- then got up at 4 to head to the airport. The taxi drivers came to pick us up in Mercedes- and didnt realize we had luggage big enough to lay down in- so we had to take soemone else's taxi just to make it to the airport. then we waited maybe 15 miuntes and were off to Paris- landed in paris and seriously only waited 15 minutes again before boarding- it was great! Elizabeth and I got our seats changed and had a good seat together with a man from Smyrna. Flight was great- no trouble- no serious turbulence when I went to the bathroom! Landed and it took an hour to get through customs and re-go through security 3 times. Dad and Mowgs picked me up and we were homeward bound.
The 3 grad students working on Public Health blog
our first dinner at Roma- 3 meats and amazing
in Dubrovnik on the city wall
my first first in Croatia- and they serve it with the head!!
my experience with rakija- oh how it burns
a beautiful church we visited in Osijek
Our AWESOME pink bus!!
That sunset is from the night I spent some time alone on the Mountain in Motovum
on the island of Brac- that is the monastery we visited
So we left the island of Brac on June 1st- headed back to Makarska- that day was the worst because it was rainy and seriously 45 degrees outside. We visited some really old town and looked a a cool museum and had a VERY entergetic tour guide- from here we went to the highest peak on the island- but it was so rainy and cold- and we were literally surrounded by a cloud- I stayed on the bus- we then had to drive back down the smallest roads known to man in our other bus-noth the pink one- and stop and go bc the curves were so bad- then we had an hour to sit and wait for the ferry to come take us back to Makarska- so everyone slept on the bus- we then got back on the ferry for a 45 minute ride- went back to the apts and started packing. Club Real- which was the name of our apt (Rachel, Elizabeth, Alicea, and Lauren) packed and laughed and had Alicea's awesome waldorf salad and oranges for dinner. Loaded the bus and headed back on our 8 hour trip back to Zagreb on Tuesday. The ride wasnt that bad- we did journals and slept mostly. Made it back to the city- and set out to spend every last lipa (coin) of our kuna- because none of us wanted to change it back so we were looking for whatever we could buy with $70 kuna- roughly $12 American bucks. We hit up the square- got some pizza and gelato for the last time :( then went to the mall next to our hotel. I got a SWEET table runner to match my kitchen- then we just came back to the Jadran, our hotel and watched Hannah Montana dubbed over in Croatian- It sucked worse than the real show. We packed- ate Croatian snacks and stayed up late packing- then got up at 4 to head to the airport. The taxi drivers came to pick us up in Mercedes- and didnt realize we had luggage big enough to lay down in- so we had to take soemone else's taxi just to make it to the airport. then we waited maybe 15 miuntes and were off to Paris- landed in paris and seriously only waited 15 minutes again before boarding- it was great! Elizabeth and I got our seats changed and had a good seat together with a man from Smyrna. Flight was great- no trouble- no serious turbulence when I went to the bathroom! Landed and it took an hour to get through customs and re-go through security 3 times. Dad and Mowgs picked me up and we were homeward bound.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Coming home! Hvala 4 the memories!
So my time in Croatia has come to an end. We have had an amazing trip- I plan on doing some more updating on this when I get home, so dont think you dont ever have to look back here!!! We have spent ALL of our kuna- down to the last lipa. We have had people buy new luggage bags, we are all coming home with Croatian gorceries, and tons of stuff. I am so glad I came on this trip!! I have made some AWESOME friends and cant wait to hang out with them again. Momma and Deddy- thanks for paying and letting me come! I have 1200+ pictures to sort through, but most of them will be on facebook. My flight lands at 2pm in the ATL tomorrow- please pray for all our our flights to make it safely home. We have 6 girls on our flight- Pray for our nerves and the flight and out families safety when picking us up. I have missed you all and cant wait to tell my stories. Love you and peace out Croatia!
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